Friday, 4 July 2008

The project that helps social communication.

If you ask most people, they’ll say that advertising, and the communications industry as a whole, sells people things they don’t need and can’t afford. It might be occasionally entertaining, but by and large it’s fundamentally wrong and unnecessary.

The aim of Good 50×70 is to use these skills to highlight more important things than beer and trainers. It’s a competition to raise awareness amongst the creative community of the power we have to be a force for good.

7 briefs from 7 charities on 7 issues that affect thousands of people
around the world. 210 posters (30 from each brief) selected by a jury of leading designers and exhibited around the world and published in a catalogue,but more importantly, presented to the charities for their use as a potential campaign.

Below are a few examples of the ones I like best.....

Got Water?; Andrea Lo Vetere; Spain

Human Rights: Impression; Gilda Borgnini; Switzerland

Global Warming: The Fastest Way; Maria Eugenia Mosqueda Garza; Mexico

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