Thursday 14 August 2008

Orangina Advert

This is sooo wrong its good!

FFL Paris has created a highly unusual animated TV spot to promote Orangina. The ad, which was released in cinemas before making its debut on TV, relates a love story between a doe and a manly bear. FFL Paris employed Psyop, a group of US directors who gained prominence through their work in plastic arts for MTV's on-screen idents, to give the ad its distinctive look. Their methods combines computer generated images with traditional cinematographic techniques.

First Aired:16-Nov-07
Media: Cinema
Agency:FFL Paris
Creative Director: Fred and Farid


Joseph Keirs said...

Wow, you're right that is good. It's so wrong, but not at all if I'm honest. That's one seriously sexy shaker, she's got moves coming from all over the place (...all of which seem to be landing in my heart).

Anyway, maybe I'm just going through a zoophiliac phase. Even that octopuss' filly seems to be asking for attention. Must've been something else to see that in the cinema.

I knew I recognised the music from somewhere, perhaps that's too many Orange wednesdays on my part.

Odeon Music..

James said...

i wish i'd gone to london zoo after watching this,, would have given me a whole new perspective..
Sexy as,, more like 18-30 than animal farm.